Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Amazing Uses of Orange Peel

Amazing Uses of Orange Peel

Here are the surprising things you can do with the peels of your favorite fruit:
1. Water Stain Remover: Rub the peel to your metal fixtures and you will see the improvement right away.
2. For Wood Furniture: Make your wood furniture shine with the white side of the orange peel.
3. Insect Repellant: Here’s a natural way to get rid of insects, such as mosquitoes, flies, and ants. These pests are not too fond of limonene, which is a compound found in citrus fruits, such as oranges. Just ground some orange peels and place it in areas where these insects normally flock.
4. Air Freshener: If your home smells musty from time to time, you can use orange peels to make it more fragrant around the house. What you need to do is to let the peels dry out first. Then, grind them using a food processor. Collect the ground peels and place them in a sachet. Put the sachets in areas that usually get moldy and mildewed, such as in drawers, basements, and closets.
5. Brown Sugar Softener: If your brown sugar becomes clumpy and hard, simply add a piece of orange peel to the container for at least an hour before you use the sugar. The peel has oils that will naturally soften the sugar.

6. Natural Body Scrubber: Simply use cheesecloth with some orange peels inside and tie around just like a loofah. Start scrubbing while in the shower.
7. Garbage Deodorizer: Garbage bins are among the most stinky things in the house. You don’t have to cover your nose every time you pass by the garbage cans and disposals from now on. Just dry some orange peels and place them at the bottom of the bins before you place a bag of garbage. It helps if you grind the peels first. You will notice that the garbage cans become more tolerable than before.
You can actually eat some orange peels, too. They are naturally nutritious with 1.5 grams of protein and are even a rich source of vitamin A, riboflavin, and potassium.